Improve cisco anyconnect vpn speed
Improve cisco anyconnect vpn speed

improve cisco anyconnect vpn speed

Jan 25 17:29:11 kernel: ADSL G.992 message exchange Jan 25 17:29:04 kernel: ADSL G.992 channel analysis Jan 25 17:28:48 pppd: Clear IP addresses. Jan 25 17:27:54 pppd: Received valid IP address from server. Jan 25 17:27:46 kernel: ADSL G.992 message exchange Jan 25 17:27:40 kernel: ADSL G.992 channel analysis Jan 25 17:27:24 pppd: Clear IP addresses. Jan 25 17:23:30 pppd: Received valid IP address from server. This was how the log was looking all day yesterday: Thanks I'm unsure how to get my router stats - they don't appear to be available when I access it. I've also raised this as a question for the support team.Īny help with resolving this issue with be appreciated as it's making it almost impossible to do my job. The IT helpdesk of my employer has suggested the issue may be due to low bandwidth but I haven't experienced any related problems with my personal I sent you a PM on Friday with some further details.

improve cisco anyconnect vpn speed

I previously had a static ip address added to my account, but it doesn't appear to be showing now. I suspect it is a VPN issue - Cisco An圜onnect. However, at these same times my personal laptop doesn't show or experience any internet or connectivity issues. The work laptop shows a strong connection with the router but indicates there is no internet during these drop outs. Dropouts seemed to occur for no apparent reason - sometimes it's a few minutes into a zoom call, sometimes when there's no activity. The work laptop internet connectivity disappears for maybe 10-30 minutes and then pops back for 10-30 minutes before disappearing again. I'm experiencing frequent connectivity drop out issues on my work laptop since starting a new job recently.

Improve cisco anyconnect vpn speed